Epic Church

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What Would You Do with 276 Christmas Presents?

Jesus’ birth is worth celebrating!

We set a high challenge for generosity this year leading up to Christmas. We set a goal to provide Christmas gifts for 46 children in our community. That amounted to 276 presents all together!

Through your generous spirit and desire to share the joy of Christmas with others, Epic Church was able to supply those gifts for each child. We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with Gifts for All God’s Children again this year to make it possible.

All of this generosity culminated in a fun event on Saturday, December 9. The church family, neighbors, and each family receiving gifts were all invited enjoy the morning at Pancakes & Pajamas. Everyone was encouraged to show up in their coziest pajamas and dig in to a feast of pancakes, sausage, and fruit, along with hot cocoa or coffee.

The theme was “Joy to the World”, so we learned about how people celebrate Christmas around the world in different countries - from roller-skating to church to eating meatless meals in honor of the animals around the manger. We enjoyed live music from local musician Annemarie Jo, learned dance moves, stuffed a pinata, and helped a forgetful pastor tell the Christmas story.

Thank you to everyone who sponsored a child, organized the event, volunteered, and showed up to make it a fun and special celebration for everyone!